Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Marker Description

The marker is not that large that people could come into the building but it's large enough for it to become a shelter and for people to sit on the bottom part of the marker. The marker is trying to convey the aboriginal culture, multicultural aspect and sports aspect in Blackstown as well as convey the concept of contemporary architecture.

What the middle part of the marker means:
  • It represents the contemporary concept and just like Sou Fujimoto it's trying to express 'digital'.
  • The sphere that was located at the top of the middle part is trying to represent about sports.
What the part of both sides mean:
  • It expresses the aboriginal culture.
  • Represents the multicultural diversity (The 4 poles pointing to the same point shows the different diversity of people in Blackstown)
  • The bottom part of the sides represents the logo. It is v-shaped because it represents the 2 boomerangs just like in the logo.

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